Monday, August 13, 2012

Planning for the fall

As hard as it is to believe 2 weeks from today I will be back at school full time. I know what this means. It means coming home tired with tired kids. I also know it is a struggle to get everything done, cook dinner and have a good evening before it is time to go to bed to do it all over again.

When I started this plan to run the Princess it was during the school year BUT it was the end of the year and as any teacher knows, there is just something different about the last two months compared to the first two. Add to that the days will be getting shorter instead of longer and it means I need to have a really good plan to make sure I get my training in.

As much as I love my house it has one HUGE problem. There is only the one full bathroom. It works out fine but it won't work well for working out in the morning and going into work. The kids get up a lot later than I do and Jeff takes care of all the morning stuff and getting them ready and to school. If I were to run and then shower at home, the kids would wake up by 6am which is just too early for them. So since I cannot run and NOT shower I am on to the 2012-2013 school year plan. Two mornings a week I am going to get up at 5am to be at Planet Fitness and on the threadmill by 5:15am. That will give me 45 minutes to run. Then I can get ready there and be on the road to school by 6:20am which is when I try and leave from home. I am not sure how I feel about this but I cannot rely on being able to do it at night. It will be getting darker earlier and I get so little time with the kids as it is. If that proves to hard I guess I will run later in the evening at the gym but I want to try and make sure that my training does not impact everyone too much.  I will do my long runs on the weekend outside whenever possible since I prefer outside!!

Next week I am going to do a test run of how this will be but I will get to come back home! During the week of PD I am committing to trying it two times to get my timing correct. Wish me luck!

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